The QRCA network began tentatively as a “workshop” in 2018 at USP in São Paulo. Many participants recall that they felt an important and different movement was emerging: the development of a forum committed to a spirit of internationality, in which Latin American researchers interested in “alternative” forms of accounting research could present their research proposals and work in progress to a receptive audience. Since then, the QRCA network has gradually expanded, particularly through the annual QRCA conferences that followed in 2019 and 2020.
From the outset, the authors presenting at the QRCA conferences benefited from respectful interaction and constructive comments. This configuration allowed for listening and contribution among peers who made their knowledge and personal and professional backgrounds available to the group. In addition, postgraduate students were able to find support within the QRCA network from experienced researchers whose aim was to help novice researchers develop their research. In doing so, younger researchers were offered the opportunity to join a supportive academic community with which they could identify and which they could help to build.
One of the cornerstones of QRCA conferences, from the very first meeting, is respect for presenters, discussants and people in the audience. It's all very well to criticize other people's work, but at QRCA conferences criticism must be guided by a spirit of collegiality and mutual understanding.
Another feature of the QRCA network is its linguistic versatility. In other words, anyone can present in one of the main languages spoken in the Americas. So far, presentations have predominantly been made in Portuguese and Spanish - to some extent in English. Several colleagues from our community end up publishing some of their research in English-language journals. Other colleagues, who grew up in Latin America, now work in institutions located on other continents. Colleagues from abroad, who are not necessarily fluent in Spanish or Portuguese, have also attended QRCA conferences - being especially motivated to engage with the network in the exchange of ideas. The active participation of these colleagues who often express themselves in English should not be understood as a move towards domination or the imposition of “foreign” values or agendas. On the contrary, this involvement should be seen as an initiative aimed at building bridges between our different backgrounds. From a broad point of view, we all form a plural community that shares bonds and ties, characterized by an openness and respect for differences in culture, languages and generations.
In order for this initiative to be sustainable and to continue, we need people who can renew the QRCA network - and we are committed to welcoming newcomers every year who are able to participate in different ways in sustaining the network.
The QRCA is not just a small group of people. As a meeting place and merging point, the network seeks to grow and develop beyond labels, beyond language barriers, overcoming theoretical, disciplinary and cultural differences, becoming a forum where we are not afraid to ask difficult questions and rethink our positions and trajectories.
Our experiences of past editions of the conference indicate that we are capable of developing with such noble ideas and values. We have participated in conversations that are relevant, bringing people from diverse environments, cultures and contexts who have not felt embarrassed to discuss sensitive issues and who are willing to collaborate. We have seen participants proposing relevant research, exposing themselves, opening up new possibilities, asking for change. People have attended sessions in different formats, overcoming linguistic and epistemic barriers in order to communicate and contribute to each other's work.
Finally, we want to emphasize two words that we believe reflect our essence: solidarity and reflexivity. Solidarity in many ways, including building bridges between academia and social movements. Thus, some of us are increasingly interested in academic activism. Reflexivity with regard to several key questions: Are we seeing each other as equals? Are we participating in debates while maintaining our civility and academic collegiality? Are we constantly reflecting on our role in each of the debates we engage with? Are we open to different ways of doing and thinking about research?
The QRCA network is an “academic space” for academics in alternative, qualitative, interpretive and critical accounting research, interested in developing or sharing knowledge in/about/with Latin America.
The QRCA network is deeply motivated to build bridges with academics from diverse disciplines and geographical contexts in order to share experiences, knowledge and research innovations - while remaining proud of its Latin American cultural, linguistic and research traditions.
The QRCA network is committed to the ideal of plurality in knowledge-building processes. The network also supports knowledge as a basis for revealing inequalities while promoting the development of reflective citizens. The network believes in the value of respectful and constructive debate in an environment based on collegiality, multiculturalism and multilingualism. Finally, in the quest to create a space with these characteristics and guided by these values, the network aims to establish itself as a forum marked by openness and integration, which nurtures a sense of belonging among academics from different generations.